NYPD Unveils CSI-Esque Facial Recognition Unit
The NYPD is starting to catch up with CSI: they announced yesterday that they have started incorporating a new facial recognition unit into the department, which will use digital technology to match video images of people at crime scenes to mug shots on file. It promises to be their biggest technological advancement since they discovered the Segway. […]
Spam in a Van: 39 Things a Good Surveillance Operative Knows
What the Good Surveillance Operative Knows On the journey to becoming a Good Surveillance Operative, you should gain a true and deep understanding of the tradecraft and the surveillance profession—and wear it like a second skin. Here are a few articles of faith: A Good Surveillance Operative… 1. Is nimble, flexible […]
Self-Destructing SSD-Drive Evidence
Nearly a decade ago, Solid State drives (SSD) revolutionized computer storage, bringing to the table blazing fast access speeds, low power consumption, and absence of moving parts. Along with these benefits, consumers saw severely restricted lifespan. An older SSD could only withstand so much wear before it would start losing memory. A limited number of […]
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